Monday, February 11, 2013

News from the Salem Permaculture Guild

Six-Part Workshop Series:
Permaculture Design: Applications & Inspirations
 Presented by Salem Permaculture Guild

Six Consecutive Saturday Afternoons:  1 – 3 pm
March 9th – April 13th, 2013
At the Straub Environmental Center (1320 A. St. NE, Salem)

Permaculture is a design system that enables humans to interact in a positive and regenerative way with our surroundings, as we consciously create lifeways that emulate natural patterns such as diversity, connectivity, resilience, flow, and cycling.

This introductory/intermediate workshop series will give a taste of the principles, applications, and inspirations of permaculture, and provide an opportunity to see the depth and breadth of its roots.  It will be a jumping-off point for understanding how natural systems work and how we can design human environments that produce abundant food, water, energy, health, and community.  Each workshop will be taught by a different instructor on a topic that best utilizes her/his interests and experiences within the world of permaculture.  Please see descriptions below for more details on each workshop topic.

The hands-on learning focus of this workshop series is key to its content. The workshops will be taught using description, images and videos, group discussion, exercises, and other methods that suit a wide variety of learning styles.

The first workshop in the series will serve as a great beginning to the 6-workshop series, though each of the workshops may stand alone as well (i.e. attendance at the first workshop is not required to attend any of the other five).
March 9th:  Concepts and Methods in Permaculture Design: We Are All Designers  (Kendy Radasky, M.S., Permaculture Designer and Educator)
In this introductory workshop, we will learn about the ecological principles upon which the concepts of permaculture are based (i.e. succession, resilience, diversity, flow, cycles, yield...).  We will explore the process of permaculture design as an emulation of natural patterns, and realize together that most of us already do this in our daily lives!  Finally, we will introduce (and play with) selected techniques for the layering and grouping of desired elements in a landscape design, as we are guided by the ethics and principles of permaculture.

March 16th:  Backyard Homesteading: Integrating Animals and Edibles in Permacultural Design (Desta Moore, Urban/Suburban Homesteader)
Explore ideas to maximize food production in urban and small-scale rural permaculture systems. Focusing on chickens, turkeys, ducks and goats, we will discuss low-input ways to produce meat, eggs and milk while increasing soil health for gardening.

March 23rd:  Water Use: Efficacy, Efficiency & Ecology for the Home and Plant Propagation (Karl Mohr,Viticulturist)
Explore how swales, drainage modification, ponds, cisterns, and soil amendments can be used to improve available water holding capacity, curb erosion, and lessen the need for irrigation.  Learn how to reuse/repurpose materials for creating water infrastructure.

Additionally, learn about plant propagation for locally-encountered plants: cuttings, layering, bulbs of all kinds and seed-saving.   We will discuss how particular techniques/habitats for plant propagation might relate to the overall system one has in place at their home.

March 30th:  Embodied Ecology: Sustainability in Motion (Matthew Nelson, MFA, Certified Laban Movement Analyst)
Ecology studies the relationships between living systems.  We are creative systems within our own selves.  In this class we will take the principles
of Permaculture and apply them to the physics, philosophies, and lived experiences of our bodies moving.  This class is for every body, and will support you to work at your own level.  Come dressed to move!  Contact me through if you have questions or concerns.

April 6th:  Towards a Permaculture of the Body: Patterns in Human Health and Nutrition (Janine Martin-Horst, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner)
The healthy human body is a diverse ecosystem including thousands of species of bacteria and fungi. Unfortunately, just as broader ecosystems have been devastated by industrial monocultures, so too have our internal microbiomes been ravaged by poor nutrition and the indiscriminate use of pharmaceuticals, including antibiotics. We will explore strategies and techniques for the prolonged and thoughtful observation needed for intervening in human health, and examine patterns in human health to restore our bodies to optimal well-being. Respecting the diverse micro-ecology of the body, we will seek to understand microbial niches and build resilient internal polycultures, starting with delicious fermented snacks and an introduction to a vibrant, health-building cuisine.

April 13th:  Permaculture for Kids (and Kids at Heart)* – Ages 5 and up** (Roman Shapla, Youth Educator, Children's Permaculture Guild)
Join us as we introduce children to basic permaculture concepts and ideas.
Kids will learn about sustainability through cooperative games, natural art, and hands-on activities.

*This final workshop will be taught for and to children.  However, if you (an adult) are interested in learning (by example) some techniques for bringing permaculture into the lives of children you love, please come and participate.  By all means, bring the children, but you are also welcome to attend alone (you must be willing to bring out your child-energy!). 

**This workshop is included in the full workshop series price – bring a child or two.   As stand-alone workshop: $5 per child (adults free if attending with child(ren)…   Otherwise, $5 per adult.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Painters Hall February Closures

Painters Hall will be CLOSED for private meetings on the following dates:

Tuesday, February 5th
Thursday, February 14th
Thursday February 21st

Thank you for your business!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Salsa Night at Pringle Creek Community

Pringle Creek Sign
Salsa Night
Friday, February 22nd
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Join us for a night of Salsa dancing (including an introductory lesson) and snacks at Painters Hall Cafe in Pringle Creek Community. Cost is $10 per person, $15 per couple, or $20 per family. RSVP to info@pringlecreekcom!
Painters Hall
Pringle Creek Community
3911 Village Center Drive
Salem, Oregon 97302